Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Rain

We're going to call it "summer" rain, even though summer seems to be a somewhat elusive season here this year. Annywaaay... One day we got caught in the rain in Central Park. And it was kind of fantastic.

We had been on the east side at the Stake Center where the Young Men & Young Women of the wards here were hosting a big street fair with BBQ, tag sale, bake sale, etc as a fundraiser for Scout/Girls Camp. They'd asked the YSA to volunteer, so a few of my friends and I had been doing that for a few hours and were heading back home. We decided it would be a nice walk across the park :)

So we took off and had just entered the park when it started to POUR. I mean, within minutes there were inches of water rushing down the path on the hill. It was crazy. We were completely soaked within just a few minutes and decided at that point we couldn't get much wetter so we'd might as well keep walking. So we did. And we pretty much had the park to ourselves. Awesome! Eventually it wasn't pouring as much (strangely enough it seemed to rain much harder on the east side than on the west side), but the park was beautiful and green :) So pretty, and that's why it is my favorite place here.

I signed up to work at the ticket booth, ended up at the tag sale... selling other people's stuff. We all know how much I like dealing with other people's stuff haha.

With all the rain comes humidity. Guess whose hair does not like humidity? That would be mine. Since my hair is neither straight nor curly, just wavy I basically end up with this flat on top frizzy wavy mess at the bottom look. Not attractive, or professional. So I finally decided I had to embrace this and adopt the if you can't beat 'em, join 'em attitude. So now I check the humidity before doing my hair, and I've had to learn a few new methods besides my flat-ironed straight and my loose curls looks (ironically, the straight look ends up semi-curly and the curled look ends up semi-straight in the humidity, but they both look semi-awful, go figure). This means that I've had to learn to be okay with my scrunchy curly look (it's gonna take a while to be okay with this one) and come up with creative ways to pull my hair back- which I rarely ever do. Here are a few of my experiments (and I'm not vain- but I did have to take pictures to remember what I did...):

If anyone has brilliant ideas for me- I'm up for new options... because apparently every day is a humid day here. NY is just a whole new way of living in so many ways haha.


  1. I love reading about your adventures. I love your new do's. I'll keep my eye you on Pinterest for you, but girl what you got going is working so keep it up!

  2. Oh my heavens I LOVE your updos! I think I should start doing my hair :) You are gorgeous and I miss your face... and tying Bekah's underwear together, even though other people's stuff grosses you out. LOVE YOU!!!
