Of course I had to attend the Tree Lighting at Rockefeller Center. After I got off work I went home, bundled up, and headed down to the Rockefeller Center. . . along with masses of people heading the same place. I was getting there a couple hours early so the plan was to take a book, grab food on the way, and stake out a spot. Well, by the time I made it there it was dark (reading was no longer an option), and I didn't know where exactly I was trying to get to and in the process accidentally got shuffled into a spot where I couldn't leave to go get food. . . It was standing room only, my feet were killing me from working long hours the last couple weeks, and I was sick (on top of being hungry). Oh and it was freezing cold. So to be honest, I was kinda miserable.
Luckily I had my iPhone. What would we do without those these days? I entertained myself by texting people (my siblings always know when I'm stuck somewhere bored- like the laundromat), and looking up flights for going home for Christmas. It was a long two hour wait. . . but the show finally started. I wasn't close enough to see the performers (you had to get there while I was still at work for that), but I had a pretty good view of the screen and the tree. Even though I did not feel good at all by this point, it was fun to be in NYC listening to great performers singing great Christmas songs. Oh, and texting pictures and videos of Scotty McCreery (sp?) singing to my country loving (weirdos) extremely jealous sisters, haha.
Pre-lighting. (Had to snap this as we were moving) |
Pre-lighting. Just waiting. . . |
Making Callie and Jenny jealous. |
In case you couldn't tell (ha, as if you could tell anything from this pic), that's Mariah Carey. |
I'd never heard of Il Volo- the Italian trio, but they sounded amazing! I now have a Pandora station of their holiday music- and its a pretty good mix so far, I recommend it. Most everyone else performing actually sounded great too- I was impressed since you never know with live performances.
The moment that made it all worth it was the tree lighting itself. I have to admit it was good. It's just lights, but just being there with all those people and the music and the other Christmas lights and decorations around- and the GIGANTIC TREE!- made it magical :)
I was going to upload a video of the lighting for you, but it wasn't working and then it was taking too long. . . and patience is not a virtue I possess when it comes to blogs. So pictures it is!
Unfortunately I couldn't go back past the spot where you get the straight on shot of the tree that night- the policemen were directing us all away from the area. BUT, I went back during my 5th Ave stroll the next week. . .